Copyright Act

The Government of Canada has changed the Copyright Act several times since the Copyright Act was enacted in 1985.

2 – Interpretation: Definitions of terms in the Copyright Act

3 – PART I – Copyright and Moral Rights in Works

3 – Copyright
5 – Works in which Copyright may Subsist
6 – Term of Copyright
13 – Ownership of Copyright
14.1 – Moral Rights

 15 – PART II – Copyright in Performers’ Performances, Sound Recordings and Communication Signals and Moral Rights in Performers’ Performances

15 – Performers’ Rights

15 – Copyright
17.1 – Moral Rights

18 – Rights of Sound Recording Makers
19 – Provisions Applicable to both Performers and Sound Recording Makers
21 – Rights of Broadcasters
22 – Reciprocity
23 – Term of Rights
24 – Ownership of Copyright
26 – Performers’ Rights — WTO Countries

27 – PART III – Infringement of Copyright and Moral Rights and Exceptions to Infringement

27 – Infringement of Copyright

27 – General
27.1 – Parallel Importation of Books

28.1 – Moral Rights Infringement
29 – Exceptions

29 – Fair Dealing
29.21 – Non-commercial User-generated Content
29.22 – Reproduction for Private Purposes
29.23 – Fixing Signals and Recording Programs for Later Listening or Viewing
29.24 – Backup Copies
29.3 – Acts Undertaken without Motive of Gain
29.4 – Educational Institutions
30.1 – Libraries, Archives and Museums
30.3 – Machines Installed in Educational Institutions, Libraries, Archives and Museums
30.4 – Libraries, Archives and Museums in Educational Institutions
30.5 – Library and Archives of Canada
30.6 – Computer Programs
30.62 – Encryption Research
30.63 – Security
30.7 – Incidental Inclusion
30.71 – Temporary Reproductions for Technological Processes
30.8 – Ephemeral Recordings
31 – Retransmission
31.1 – Network Services
32 – Persons with Perceptual Disabilities
32.1 – Statutory Obligations
32.2 – Miscellaneous

32.3 – Interpretation
32.4 – Compensation for Acts Done Before Recognition of Copyright of Performers and Broadcasters
33 – Compensation for Acts Done Before Recognition of Copyright or Moral Rights

 34 – PART IV – Remedies

34 – Civil Remedies

34 – Infringement of Copyright and Moral Rights
41 – Technological Protection Measures and Rights Management Information
41.23 – General Provisions

41.25 – Provisions Respecting Providers of Network Services or Information Location Tools
42 – Criminal Remedies
43.1 – Limitation or Prescription Period
44 – Importation and Exportation

44 – Interpretation
44.01 – Prohibition and Detention by Customs Officer

44.01 – Prohibition
44.02 – Request for Assistance
44.03 – Measures Relating to Detained Copies
44.08 – No Liability
44.09 – Powers of Court Relating to Detained Copies

44.11 – Prohibition Resulting from Notice
44.12 – Court-ordered Detention

 46 – PART V – Administration

46 – Copyright Office
54 – Registration
59 – Fees

 60 – PART VI – Miscellaneous Provisions

60 – Substituted Right
61 – Clerical Errors
62 – Regulations
63 – Industrial Designs and Topographies

 66 – PART VII – Copyright Board and Collective Administration of Copyright

66 – Copyright Board
67 – Collective Administration of Performing Rights and of Communication Rights
69 – Public Performances in Places Other Than Theatres
70.1 – Collective Administration in Relation to Rights under Sections 3, 15, 18 and 21

70.1 – Collective Societies
70.13 – Tariffs
70.2 – Fixing of Royalties in Individual Cases
70.5 – Examination of Agreements

71 – Royalties in Particular Cases
77 – Owners Who Cannot be Located
78 – Compensation for Acts Done Before Recognition of Copyright or Moral Rights

 79 – PART VIII – Private Copying

79 – Interpretation
80 – Copying for Private Use
81 – Right of Remuneration
82 – Levy on Blank Audio Recording Media
84 – Distribution of Levies Paid
86 – Exemption from Levy
87 – Regulations
88 – Civil Remedies

 89 – PART IX – General Provisions

SCHEDULE I – Existing Rights



Copyright Act
R.S.C., 1985, c. C-42

An Act respecting copyright

Short Title
1 This Act may be cited as the Copyright Act.

R.S., c. C-30, s. 1.

This reproduction of the Copyright Act is a copy of an official work that is published by the Government of Canada in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice. The reproduction has not been produced in affiliation with, or with the endorsement of the Government of Canada.

Copyright Canada has exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced. All of the amendments as of April 21, 2017, are incorporated in the version of the Copyright Act posted above. Click to see the full text of latest version of the Copyright Act on the Justice Canada website.

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